“Come to the Feast,” is a new four-part worship series that begins on November 2. During the series, Pastor Robb will be revealing the depth of Jesus’ radical table sharing ministry. By looking at four different stories of Jesus eating with others in the Gospel of Luke. November 2 – Jesus shares a meal with …
Month: October 2014
Connect to @RITwoRivers on Twitter and Facebook
Two Rivers Church has a new home on social media. If you’re on twitter, you can follow @RItwoRivers. You can also follow on Facebook. This is a great way to stay connected, get quotes from sermons, Bible verses, links to devotions, United Methodist news, and Pastor Robb’s blog, which you can also follow here.
Sunday school options growing for all ages
Two Rivers Sunday school options for all ages are growing. Worship usually lasts from 9:30-10:30. Immediately afterwards, kids in grades K-12 are invited down to Epworth Hall for a time of snacks and fellowship. Sunday school lasts from 10:45-11:45, and nursery care is provided by background-checked professional attendants until 11:45. There are two adult classes, …