September 13 – Finding Nemo September 20 – Toy Story September 27 – Monsters, Inc. Oct. 4 – Lifted Oct. 11 – Brave
Current Sermon Series

September 13 – Finding Nemo September 20 – Toy Story September 27 – Monsters, Inc. Oct. 4 – Lifted Oct. 11 – Brave
As a way to kick off the new school year, we will look at the joys and pitfalls of parenthood. The Book of Genesis tells the story of three important sets of parents. They loved their children. They made mistakes. They hurt people that they loved, but through it all they remained faithful to each …
Rob Leveridge is a pastor and a singer/songwriter living in Davenport. In addition to preaching and other speaking, Rob writes and performs songs about peacemaking and living toward the Kingdom of God. On August 16, he will be the guest preacher and musician at Two Rivers United Methodist Church. To listen to his music, go to …
There are a lot of exciting events coming this fall to Two Rivers United Methodist Church. There are many ways to serve our community, reach out in ministry, and enjoy the fellowship of Christian brothers and sisters. More details will come, but we want to make sure you don’t miss any of these great events. …
In a world that seems to crave clear lines of distinction, categories, and either/or; the Gospel calls us to “And.” John and Charles Wesley, the founders of the Methodist movement, which would become the Methodist Church, understood this over 200 years ago. The power of ‘and’ is a part of our Methodist DNA, and it …