Sunday School sign up

Below is a link to sign up for kids and youth ministries. Helpers are needed for Wednesday nights from now through October. Our plan is to continue meeting at Camp Milan from 4:00-5:30 through October. We will revisit the location and whether or not we will meet later in October. As of now, we will …

Caring Sisters Lunch

After a long hiatus due to the pandemic, Sisterhood is re-forming with a new mission: caring for our congregation. Newly dubbed “Caring Sisters” will launch with a lunch on Friday, September 24 at 11:00 a.m. Pastor Robb will also attend as an “honorary sister” to share a prayer. A lunch of deli sandwiches, chips, and …

Free Vaccine Clinic

World Relief Quad Cities is coordinating a free vaccination clinic at Two Rivers Church on Thursday, September 22. Community Healthcare Inc. will administer the Morderna version of the vaccine  in the parking lot of Two Rivers from 10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Interpretation will be available in Swahili, Kirundi, French, Arabic, Karen, and Burmese. Information will be …