CHRISTMASEVE F;YERChristmas Eve is a special night.  At 6:30 p.m., we will gather for worship with our Bell Choir, Sanctuary Choir, and Youth Choir. We will sing some traditional Christmas hymns, come to the Lord’s table and share Communion, and relight each of the Advent candles.  Please know that the table of Communion is open to all.  The only requirement to take the bread and the cup is a desire to find God.

The service will end with the lighting of the Christ Candle. Then that light will be shared with all who gather as we sing “Silent Night, Holy Night.” The lights will be turned down low as we sing, and hold aloft the light of Christ.  Hopefully, when we go home, the light will remain in our hearts.

Two Rivers Church is at 1820 5th Avenue Rock Island. The parking lot is at the corner of 5th Avenue and 18th Street.  There is an accessible ramp on 19th Street. Get Directions.