On May 8 and May 9 at 7:00 p.m., The Center For Living Arts will present Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat in the sanctuary of Two Rivers United Methodist Church. Dino Hayz directs a cast of 54 kids from Kindergarten through 8th grade. Tickets for the show will be $10 a piece. Tickets will be on sale on Sundays leading up to the production.
The production of Joseph is entirely kids from kindergarten through 8th grade. It includes four members of Two Rivers Church. Dino Hayz, the director at the Center For Living Arts, recently directed and starred in the production of Godspell that showed at Two Rivers on Palm Sunday.
The Center For Living Arts is a theater located just a few blocks from Two Rivers Church, at 2008 4th Avenue. They produce two kids’ musicals every school year, and one youth production a year. Over the summer, they host theater camps for kids and youth.