Holy Week at Two RiversEaster Sunday is April 5. It is the holiest day of the Christian year, and a day of great rejoicing. The best way to experience the power and joy of Easter though, is to experience the rest of Holy Week.

Palm Sunday – 4:00 p.m. Two Rivers Church and The Center For Living Arts present Godspell. A 4:00 p.m. presentation of the energetic musical will be a great way to begin the Holy Week eperience.

Maundy Thursday – 6:30 p.m. The worship service will be the telling of the story of Jesus’ last days. It is a responsive reading, beautiful in its simplicity. Similar to a Christmas service of lessons and carols, this Maundy Thursday service combines readings and solemn hymns. The service includes Communion and the stripping of the altar.

Good Friday – 3:00-6:00 p.m. The church will be open for people to do a self-guided reflection. There will be stations throughout the church for people to do reading, prayer, and reflect on the crucifixion.

Easter Sunday.

6:30 Sunrise Service meets in the south parking lot, with a spectacular view of the rising sun.

7:15-8:30 Pancakes and Sausage will be served by the United Methodist Men.

8:30 Easter Egg Hunt for the kids in the sanctuary

9:30 Worship the risen Christ with beautiful traditional service. Trumpets and organ will welcome the empty tomb. New members will be welcomed into the Two Rivers family, and all will be invited to Christ’s Table of Grace.