The keyhole image was created by Flickr user Goodmami. Find more work at
The keyhole image was created by Flickr user Goodmami. Find more work at

Every Sunday in June Two Rivers Church will be digging deeper into prayer. By taking a closer look at the Psalms, Pastor Robb will show ways to pray. Each week will focus on a different type of prayer:

May 31: Praise

June 7: Thanksgiving

June 14: Intercession (asking God to act in the lift of another)

June 21: Supplication (asking God to act in my own life)

June 28: Lamentation (God’s complaint box)

The Psalms provide us with 150 different prayers. Each a different poem containing every human emotion. Over the course of June, we will look at one Psalm a week. We will find something beautiful and new in the poetry of the Psalms and in the prayers of the heart. The series promises to enrich both our worship life and prayer life as we move closer to God.