Prayer and Bible study is an important part of Discipleship. Searching the Bible, especially in community, is the best way we can learn more about God, the people of God, and what it means to be a child of God.
There is an online prayer group that meets every Wednesday at 12:00 p.m. on Zoom and goes live on Facebook from 12:15-12:45 p.m.
This prayer group, which “Centers us on God in the center of the day in the center of the week,” begins in a small Zoom meeting. For the first 15 minutes participants discuss the week’s prayer concerns, many of which were brought forward during worship on Sunday. At 12:15 the meeting is sent to the public Live on Facebook. During this prayer time the details of the concerns are not discussed. Each prayer concern is given a moment, a name, and some silence.
The online Prayer also includes a reading of the Psalm for the upcoming Sunday (as selected by the Revised Common Lectionary) and a brief devotional based on the weekly Wednesday reading (according to our Grow Pray Study guide that is in each week’s bulletin insert).

Sundays from 10:45-11:45
Adult Sunday School Class. This group meets in the Asbury Parlor. The class has rotating leaders, and usually follows a popular Christian book study with an accompanying DVD presentation.
Swahili Bible Study. This group is a gathering for people who are native speakers from Africa. Our leader speaks fluent Kirundi, Swahili, and French. The class meets in what is known as the Keystone Classroom.
Midweek Studies
Mondays at Noon in Epworth Hall (downstairs, but there are no stairs to get to this room).
There is a midweek Bible study led by Pastor Robb. This group will look at the Scriptures that Pastor Robb will be preaching from on the coming Sunday. This group helps inform and shape the Sunday sermon, making it a group exercise. Members of this group feel that by looking at the coming Sunday’s Biblical text and sermon themes, they feel more prepared and more deeply involved in worship on Sundays.
Monthly Fellowship Groups
Two Rivers Readers – Fourth Monday of the Month at different member’s home. Usually the books are not spiritual in nature, but are selected by the group members on a rotating basis. The book club usually meets at the home of one of the members, although you do not have to host to be a part of the group.
Big Steppers – A men’s group of accountability. Contact Pastor Robb for more information.
United Methodist Men – No regular meetings, but they gather for special service projects.
Personal Study and Reflection
The Upper Room Daily Devotional. This great daily reading includes a Scripture passage, a simple prayer guide, and a short, reader-submitted commentary. It is available in both print and online forms. Follow this link to read the daily devotional, and sign to have the Upper Room delivered to your email. You can also pick up copies in the sanctuary at Two Rivers.
The Pulpit Fiction Podcast. This weekly podcast is hosted by our own Pastor Robb and his good friend, Rev. Eric Fistler. Eric and Robb met in seminary, and have remained close friends. They started recording this weekly Bible study in 2013, and now have nearly 5,000 listeners a week. You can go to the website and listen there, or you can subscribe and download podcasts on your mobile device so you can listen anywhere.