“Come to the Feast,” is a new four-part worship series that begins on November 2. During the series, Pastor Robb will be revealing the depth of Jesus’ radical table sharing ministry. By looking at four different stories of Jesus eating with others in the Gospel of Luke.
November 2 – Jesus shares a meal with his disciples. We still remember this particular even in our act of Communion. The United Methodist Church values the open table. All are invited.
November 9 – Jesus eats with the tax collectors. The cultural significance of eating with tax collectors cannot be overstated. The tax collectors were the lowest of the low – they collaborators with a foreign oppressor, and profited from the pain of their neighbors. Yet Jesus broke bread with them.
November 16 – Jesus eats with the Pharisees. On the other end of the social spectrum are the Pharisees. These were respected men, and often portrayed in the gospels as Jesus’ enemies.
November 23 – Jesus eats with Zacchaeus. An oft misunderstood story, Jesus and Zacchaeus is usually seen as a story of conversion, but there is more to the story than the traditional interpretation.