“I look upon all the world as my parish;
On Sunday, October 25, churches across denominations and around the world will be sharing in Social Media Sunday. This is an effort use modern technology to communicate the gospel of Jesus Christ. Social media is a powerful tool. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram are all growing fast, and allowing churches to reach people they’ve never been able to reach before.

On Social Media Sunday, churches are encouraged to use the hashtag #SMS15 to share quotes, pictures, videos, and messages from their worship communities. At Two Rivers, people will be encouraged to like the church Facebook page and Twitter account. These pages can be found at FB.com/RITwoRivers and Twitter.com/RITwoRivers.

There will be a special feature to the worship service for those that follow Pastor Robb on Twitter. If you go to Pastor Robb’s Twitter account, you will be able to watch the sermon Live on Periscope. Periscope is a video sharing app that is available for free on any mobile device. There are also desktop versions, so any computer that has an internet connection can watch the sermon live. Follow @FatPastor and @RITwoRivers, and tell all your friends about this special Sunday using @SMS15 and #RITwoRivers.