The Easter season lasts from Easter sunday until Pentecost on June 9. This season we will feature a series called “Reconcile: How Christ can reconcile humanity’s deepest divisions.”

On Easter, we celebrate that Christ is Risen? To be faithful however, we must examine what that means. For our faith to be more than simply an intelectual endeavor, we must be willing to ask, “So what?”

The “So What?” of Easter is this: Reconciliation. Paul reminded us that all who follow Christ must be a part of sharing the “message of reconciliation.” For seven weeks we will examine how Christ can reconcile some of the deepest divisions that we humans have created.

As usual, there will be a Bible study to accompany this series. Each on Monday the small group will meet to discuss the upcoming Sunday’s topic and Bible passage.

April 28 – How it all started, Genesis 11:1-9

May 5 – Family of Many Colors, The barrier of race. Number 12:1-15

May 12 – Truth will make us free, The barrier of gender. John 4:1-30, 39-42

May 19  – There’s nothing to prevent you, The barrier of sexual orientation. Acts 8:26-40

May 26 – Living on the Margins, The barrier of age. Acts 20:7-12

June 2 – Another plate at the table, The barrier of class. 1 Corinthians 11:17-34

June 9 – Pentecost, a Celebration of Diversity, Acts 2