Below is a link to sign up for kids and youth ministries. Helpers are needed for Wednesday nights from now through October. Our plan is to continue meeting at Camp Milan from 4:00-5:30 through October. We will revisit the location and whether or not we will meet later in October. As of now, we will meet over the Rock Island fall break. While there are fall sports, the attendance has been down, so dinner is only needed for about 10.

Volunteers are also needed for Sunday school. Right now our format is for all kids and youth to meet in Epworth Hall (the big room downstairs). We will share the story (which is the same story as we just shared in worship). We will talk a little about it, then divide into two groups. The younger kids will do activities that help them learn and remember the basics of the story. The older youth will dig deeper into the passage, ask questions, interrogate the text, and discuss life applications.

We need a lead teacher for the kids and a helper that can freely go in between the groups where needed. If you sign up as a teacher, I will give you downloadable materials that have more activities and suggested activities than you could do in a 2-hour slot. You can feel free to pick and choose whatever things you want to do.