A launch party for the Young Lions Roar program is set for Monday, October 24 from 3:30-6:00 p.m. The launch party will include food, refreshments, performances by several local artists and a chance for students and volunteers to meet and greet one another.

The program will then proceed on Mondays and Tuesdays from 3:30-6:00. It will include monthly showcases and performance opportunities. The students involved will be in grades 7-12. They will learn about emotional intelligence, process grief and trauma, and healthy channeling of emotional distress. Volunteers who are interested in learning more about the program should come to Two Rivers on Monday, Oct 10 at 5:00 p.m. Volunteer schedules can be built around your availability. Volunteers can be “behind the scenes” or “hands on” with the students. 

Students interested in the program can register now at YoungLionsRoar.com