Those who are interested in joining Two Rivers United Methodist Church as members are invited to a lunch at Epworth Hall on Sunday, July 16, at 12:00 p.m. This is the Sunday of worship at Schwiebert Park (which is at 10:30 a.m.), so the timing should work out to come to church right after the …
Month: June 2023
Worship in the Park
On Sunday, July 16 at 10:30 a.m. the people of Two Rivers are invited to join in a multi-church worship service at Schwiebert Park. There will not be worship at the church that day. Instead, everyone is invited to bring a lawn chair to the bandshell at Schwiebert Park for a time of worship. In …
Reconciling Sunday is June 25
The people of Two Rivers United Methodist Church, which was organized in 1833 as the first Christian church in Rock Island County, will celebrate Reconciling Sunday in worship on June 25, at 9:30. This worship service will celebrate the passing of a welcome statement that affirms LGBTQ+ people and commemorate the church’s joining the Reconciling …
Birdies for Camp Milan
By using Birdie #2399 – Two Rivers UMC Camp Milan Retreat Center you can direct your pledge to Camp Milan. If you have ever been a guest at Camp Milan, so you know what a special place it is. You also know that there are many ways that we can improve the quality of the …