The Two Rivers Youth are making pizzas to help send kids to Summer Camp and on a Mission Trip this summer. We had 11 young people baptized or confirmed this year, and many of them – and more – want to go to Summer Camp or join in the Denver Mission Trip. To help make it possible, the youth and Methodist Men are teaming up to make pizzas. These are all local, fresh ingredients and hand made on the day you pick them up! They come wrapped in plastic for easy freezing, or cook them the next day for the Superbowl. Bring a stack to your party and be a big hit. Order some for your office or for those friends who gave you unexpected Christmas cookies. Sell some to your neighbors and support a great cause!

Pick them up on Saturday, February 10 between 4:00-6:00 p.m.

Order over the next few Sundays in the West Entrance at church. Pick up an order form to sell to your friends and neighbors.