The Campaign for Kindness

In September, we will examine how the basic values of the Gospel of Jesus Christ can transform our lives, communities, and maybe even our politics. “Do Unto Others” will be the overall theme for five weeks, which each successive week focusing on kindness, compassion, humility, respect, and love. Click on the image below to learn more about how to get involved.

Who are we?

Worship: 9:30 a.m. on Sundays

Location: 1820 5th Ave. Rock Island, IL 61201

Phone: 309-788-9384


Community Meal: 12:00 p.m. on Saturdays.

Two Rivers Church is a small but mighty congregation. Our mission is to “Love God, love people, and serve the world.” Located on the edge of downtown Rock Island, Two Rivers Church was actually the first church founded in Rock Island County. In 2023, after a six-month process of learning, discussion, prayer, and discernment, we had an overwhelming majority affirm the sacred worth of LGBTQ+ people as we became a member of the Reconciling Ministries Network. We follow Jesus. We are a people of prayer. We love the Bible. We serve our community. We are “The Church that Feeds” both spiritual and physical needs.

We are a part of the United Methodist Church, which is one of the largest Protestant denominations in the world. Every United Methodist Church is unique, but the United Methodist Church has long been a place where people can “meet in the middle.” While that is getting more and more difficult in what seems to be a more angry world, we believe kindness, compassion, and the love of Christ can overcome these divisions. One of the most important parts of being a part of Two Rivers Church is that we welcome questions, discussion, creativity, and doubt. “We may not all think alike, but we may all love alike,” is a quotation from John Wesley, the founder of the Methodist movement.

What to expect if you visit

If you come to worship with us, you’ll find a friendly greeter in the west entrance, which is adjacent to the main parking lot along 5th Avenue. There is an accessible ramp if you park on 19th Street, on the east side of the church. When you come into the sanctuary, you will find a choice between sitting at the round “cafe style” tables in the back, or in the more traditional wooden pews. There is also a balcony with a pretty nice view. You are welcome to some Fair Trade coffee and a snack. Take it to your seat or wait until after worship and sit down to meet some new friends.

We consider our style of worship to be “casual traditional.” We sing mostly traditional hymns accompanied by either organ or piano. Except for the summer, there will be a choir anthem. Special musical offerings will include soloists, the bell choir, and jazz Sundays.

Pastor Robb is passionate, connecting the story of God’s love in Christ with our lives. He is an energetic preacher and seldom stays behind the pulpit. He is deeply seeped in modern scholarship and progressive theology. He usually preaches in series, meaning that blocs of 4-6 sermons are connected and built upon themes and connections.

There is no dress code. You’ll find more t-shirts than ties. Kids are welcome. There is a PrayGround – a special area for kids to sit with coloring books, activities, and some space to spread out. There is also a connected room with a full window and rocking chairs if you want a little extra privacy with little ones. Kids can also grab an activity bag to bring to their seat if they don’t want to be in the Prayground.

During the school year, there is an adult Sunday school class upstairs in Asbury Parlor. There is also a Swahili Sunday School class that meeting in a classroom off the hallway across from the sanctuary. Kids and youth usually go downstairs to Epworth Hall to start Sunday school.

Upcoming events

August 24, 11:00 a.m. — Lunch with Superintendent

The NAACP Religious Affairs Committee is hosting the monthly Breaking Bread, Breaking Barriers luncheon in Asbury Parlor at Two Rivers Church. This meeting will include a visit from Dr. Sharon Williams, the Superintendent for Rock Island/Milan Schools.

August 25, 10:45 a.m. — Parents meeting

Parents of children and youth are invited up to Asbury Parlor after church on August 25 to finalize plans for the upcoming year. We need to make decisions about youth group and Sunday school.

September 1, 9:30 a.m. — Jazz Sunday

Edgar Crockett will be with us in worship on the first Sunday in September. A local jazz legend, and longtime friend of Two Rivers, his Sundays are always a lively, toe-tapping joy.

September 8, 4:00-7:00 p.m. — Youth Rally for Kindness

At Camp Milan Retreat Center, youth from middle school through high school are invited to this event that will include dinner, worship, and games. It is a great way for youth groups to start.

September 15, 9:30 a.m. — Ministry Fair Sunday

The choir returns! Plus learn about the many ways you can serve Christ through Two Rivers Church.

Current Series

Four weeks, from August 4-25, “The Bread of Life: Never go hungry again.” This series is an examination of Jesus’ teaching in the sixth chapter of John. This discourse comes after Jesus fed 5,000 people with nothing more than a young person’s picnic basket. After, he made the claim that “I am the bread of life.” As we expound on this idea, we learn about the abundance of the Kingdom of God and make room for questions when teachings are found difficult.

Connect to Two Rivers

There are two regular communications that help you stay updated on all that is going on at Two Rivers Church. The Compass is a paper newsletter that gets mailed every month. There is a pdf version online, and you can download from the archive that goes back to 2022.

There is also a weekly email that includes a sermon recap from the previous Sunday as well as news and information about things that are coming up.

Sermon Archive

You can read a recap of every sermon since Easter 2020. There are also links here to every Worship at Home video that has been posted to Youtube. Click on the Sermons banner above to get to the archive page.

Church History

For over a century, Two Rivers Church was known simply as “First Church,” because it was the first church in the Quad Cities, organized as a house gathering in 1830, and assigned a Methodist circuit pastor in 1833. The current building was dedicated in 1890. Today, Two Rivers Church serves the entire Quad Cities Area.

  • 1833: Organized as a mission church, renamed in 1836 as First Methodist Episcopal Church at Spencer cabin
  • 1835: The City of Rock Island was established, although it was first known as Stephenson. It was renamed Rock Island in 1841.*
  • 1844: Built first church
  • 1856: Built second church
  • 1889: Built present stone church, dedicating it 1890
  • 1939: Changed name to First Methodist Church
  • 1964: Bought Camp Milan from Central Illinois Conference for $1
  • 2003: The first Saturday meal is served. At first it was served on both Saturday and Sunday. 20 years later, the only Saturdays it misses is when Saturday falls on Christmas and New Year’s Day.
  • 2008: Merged with Memorial Heights UMC and became Two Rivers United Methodist Church.
  • 2013: Two Rivers United Methodist Church Celebrated 180 years!
  • 2014: Rev. Robb McCoy begins his ministry at Two Rivers Church.
  • 2020: Two Rivers Church shifts to “Worship at Home” videos. The Meal Site however, never stopped functioning. They shrunk their volunteer crew, and converted to “carry out only” for the rest of the pandemic.
  • 2023: The people of Two Rivers Church vote overwhelmingly to become a “Reconciling Congregation.” After a six-month process of study, discernment, discussion, and prayer, the church adopts a welcome statement that affirms the inclusion of LGBTQ+ in all aspects of church life and leadership.